Mountain Green welcomes news grocery store to town
Oct 14, 2024 01:07PM ● By Verlene Johnson
Excitement filled the air in Morgan Valley on Thursday, Sept. 19, as hundreds gathered in Mountain Green for the grand opening of Lee’s Marketplace.
Sheri Badger, owner of Lee’s Marketplace welcomed the crowd and gave the history of Lee’s.
In 1981 Lee and Shari Badger purchased a small grocery store in Smithfield, Utah called Jack’s Foodtown. Over the next few years, the store was remodeled several times and by 1991, the store finally doubled in size.
Because the northern end of Cache Valley was growing rapidly the spring of 1994 brought the grand opening of a brand-new larger building across the street from Jack’s Foodtown.
This new store included a new pharmacy, deli, scratch bakery and other expanded departments. After 13 years, the Badgers dropped the name Jack's Foodtown and began the legacy of Lee's Marketplace.
Guest speakers at Mountain Green’s grand opening included Duane Johnson, the property owner and Jared Mitchell from Associated Food Stores with Johnathan Badger, CEO and President of Lee’s Marketplace giving closing remarks.
Traca Wardell, Morgan Chamber of Commerce President, performed the ribbon cutting officially opening Lee’s Marketplace Mountain Green location.
The long anticipated store is a welcomed option for grocery shopping for both Morgan and Mountain Green residents. Throughout the opening weekend, the store offered special grand opening deals and had plenty of employees on had from several different Lee’s locations to keep the shelves stocked and help customers find what they were looking for.
Besides offering the usual groceries, this new Mountain Green location offers a fresh delicatessen, fresh sushi bar, a full-service pharmacy, a scratch bakery, local produce, quality cut meats and of course the friendly service that sets Lee’s apart.
Lee loved greeting each of his customers and looked at each of them as guests in his stores. According to Lee’s Publicity department, “Lee’s carries on the traditions started in 1981 retaining their core values of friendly service, respect, integrity, exceptional, neat and clean, and dependable.” Lee values getting to know his employees and recognizes the people around him, the people that made Lee’s what it is. “Lee Badger left a legacy of bright, clean, and friendly grocery stores.”
Mountain Green’s Lee’s Marketplace is located at 4935 West Old Highway Road. Store hours
Monday-Saturday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. λ